Sunday, February 26, 2012

24 hours!!

You never know what can happen in 24 hours. It seems like such a short amount of time, but then your day begins and you hit the ground running. Friday I received a message about a young darling girl, who we will call "Sarah". Sarah has a precious baby and is wanting to give this child up for adoption. I didn't know Sarah at all. My friends were at a bible study and just suggested that I call because after a prayer request for helping find this sweet angel baby a forever family...she thought of Michael and I.  Long story short, I spoke with Sarah and she had already found a family for her baby. Let me just tell you the HOPE that swelled in my heart though!!! The call for adoption EXPLODED to an all time high!!!! I've never seen a school building filled with so much hope and anticipation of what "might" happen. These ladies were an army of hugs, giggles, support, tears, but most of all HOPE. I'm SO grateful for my friends and family at work.

Well that's how our weekend started. We had several engagements, appointments and errands. Last Friday evening we were so blessed to be invited to a banquet to raise funds for Talk about a tearful, wonderful, BLESSING to attend such an event. The stories of how God brought little children into these couples lives were incredible. The spirit of adoption was contagious. We felt another reaffirmation for the path we are taking. Saturday morning we woke up ready to do our taxes, well as ready as one can be. After talking with our CPA and getting guidance on how to proceed with our fundraiser, we just felt a peace. SERIOUSLY, I can not say it enough...GOD IS GOOD!! He has led us through all the steps to bring us to this place.  After the tax man, off to the bank we went to create our adoption account. DID YOU HEAR THAT?? The t-shirt fever has caught on and we made our first deposit. Again, tears and giggles as I shared with our adorable bank officer the excitement and anticipation of what is to come. She even wanted me to email her our link for ordering shirts, so that all the girls at the bank could get one. TOO cute!!!! After the bank chit chatting, we headed to our dear friends Holly and Paul's Casa to celebrate Michael's Birthday.  Last Tuesday was my hunka hunka burnin love's birthday and what a better way to celebrate than with our besties!!! He does love a Krispy Kreme Donut! LOL! After the birthday festivities, we ended the day playing cards with the "Fab 4". Can I just say how BLESSED we are to have this close circle of friends??!!! Later on today I get to spend the afternoon with Whitney and Chelsea while they are taking pics of Miss Addison! Did I forget to mention she's only 9 days old!! Spank your bottom cuteness! Life is so FULL of joy!!! 

Tomorrow I have the privilege of placing my first t-shirt order with Ms. Sherri. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees the final count. Remember it's not too late to order your shirt, they are only $15. The shirts should be ready in 2 weeks. Thank you everyone for sharing our blog with your friends and family. The prayers and love are felt by all of you. Have a blessed Sunday!

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